Chapter 13 – Basic Rebuild Course

This course is the ideal next step after going through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to quickly recover and rebuild your credit.

Over the course of 8 months you get 8 lessons, 1 each month emailed to you. Each will include an assignment so make sure you’re keeping up with the material.

Although this course requires you to put in some work over the next 8 months, I promise you that it will be worth. In the end you will:

  • Reorganize and control your debts
  • Protect you from creditor attacks
  • Protect the property you want to keep

Chapter 13 is, in my opinion, one of the the best, most flexible and powerful tools that we have to get back in control of our financial lives when nothing else will do the job.

The part that’s missing, from my decades of experience, is how to recover your credit AFTER Chapter 13.

So, there is a HUGE piece of the financial recovery plan missing from everyone’s chapter 13 program.

And that’s a big part of the overall financial recovery process.

In this course, you'll get the step-by-step instructions and the action-steps you must take, to recover your credit after Chapter 13.

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