This course is the ideal next step after going through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy to quickly recover and rebuild your credit.
Over the course of 12 months you will get 12 lessons, 1 each month emailed to you, followed by an assignment to make sure you’re keeping up with the material. This course is designed to lead you by the hand to credit recovery over the course of one year.
All the material is simple and easy to follow so you get guaranteed results. At the end of the 12 months, you will:
- Save nearly ten thousand dollars (yes – $10,000!) on EVERY car you buy (How many cars will you buy in the future? Probably more than one, maybe a lot more!)
- Save tens of thousands of dollars on a typical home loan due to better interest rates which you will qualify for once you rebuild your credit and get a strong score.
- Save money every month on your car insurance. It’s a fact that many insurance companies charge higher rates for people with poor credit scores. That won’t be you.