Finish the Job that your Bankruptcy Started
The Credit Recovery Club is a Proven Plan for Credit Recovery After Bankruptcy
You filed for bankruptcy because that was best way to deal with your debts. But if you’re like most who file, your credit is seriously damaged.
You MUST fix it!
After bankruptcy you need a proven plan to finish the job. While bankruptcy helps with debt, it does NOTHING to help you rebuild your credit.
The Credit Recovery Club can help you rebuild your credit after bankruptcy.
Click the button below to apply now >>
FACT: Filing for bankruptcy ALWAYS lowers your credit score. There’s nothing you can do to prevent this. But…
What you CAN do, is take the RIGHT steps to quickly RECOVER and REBUILD credit.
If you don’t you will probably have impaired credit for the full TEN YEARS that the bankruptcy will be reported on your credit report.
The Credit Recovery Club Can Save you Thousands
When you finish the Credit Recovery Club, you will:
- Save nearly ten thousand dollars (yes – $10,000!) on EVERY car you buy (How many cars will you buy in the future? Probably more than one!)
- Save tens of thousands of dollars on a typical home loan due to better interest rates which you will qualify for once you rebuild your credit and get a strong score.
- Save money every month on your car insurance. It’s a fact that many insurance companies charge higher rates for people with poor credit scores. That won’t be you.
Imagine how good you’ll feel when you can walk on to a car lot, or into any furniture store, and know, with confidence, that you can get a good interest rate on a loan, without a co-signer, and walk away with whatever you want to buy.
You’ll be proud of your strong score and feel secure because you’ll know that, should any emergency arise, you have a good credit score and don’t need to worry about not being able to handle it – no matter what life throws at you.
Results You Can Expect From The Credit Recovery Club
You can have a great credit score after bankruptcy, like my client Phil Cunningham, who writes
“Yes, you can use my statement – I’m happy to help you all as you have helped me so much . . . My credit score is now 802!”
Or Paul Wiseman, who shares,
“I was able to get a credit card with a $500 balance, and my credit score is a strong 660! The bankruptcy has been discharged for about 18 months, and I just financed a car through Chase (who was in my bankruptcy for a lot!) at 5.9%."
Even while you are in an active Chapter 13 case, you can get started on rebuilding your credit. It’s 100% allowed by law, so long as you follow the rules, and the results absolutely amaze people.
Like Ruth Ann who had a 685 score when she ended her chapter 13, or the client I worked with to get his score up to 710 (not a typo- that’s a FICO score of 710!) before he even finished his chapter 13 plan.
Ready to increase your score? Click the button below to apply now >>
"If rebuilding credit after bankruptcy is so easy, why doesn't everyone do it?"
Sadly, most people never start rebuilding their credit after filing for bankruptcy. Instead, most people suffer for years, assuming that “their credit will be ruined for 10 years- because that’s how long the bankruptcy will be on their credit report.”
Most people (even attorneys!) don’t understand that the fantastic results above are possible – but only if you know:
- What to do
- When to do it
- And how to do it
All of which I will teach you in the Credit Recovery Club.
FACT: It doesn’t really matter if the bankruptcy is on your credit report for 10 years IF you take the proper steps to rebuild your credit.
I have thousands (YES, THOUSANDS!) of clients, enjoying strong credit scores, getting good interest rates, buying houses for their families, getting anything they need on good credit terms, in spite of the fact that their bankruptcy still appears on their credit report.
Bankruptcy did NOT ruin their credit. But bankruptcy alone did NOT improve their credit.
You MUST Qualify for the Credit Recovery Club
This is a private membership club. I reserve the right to limit membership to those I believe will actively participate in the program and I also limit the number of members, so please understand that not all membership applications will be accepted.
To qualify, you need to:
- Have filed a bankruptcy case within the last 90 days, and
- Be willing to invest at least 30 minutes per month in yourself, and
- Have the determination to stick with the program for a full 12 months.
If you meet these three requirements, you MAY qualify for membership in the credit recovery club. Click the button below to fill out the application now.